Investing in the Tesla Model 3

Jeff Siegel

Posted March 29, 2016

Not until this year did I become a fan.

For years, many of my friends and family members have tried to convince me to drink the Kool-Aid and sell my soul to Apple (NASDAQ: AAPL).

Whether it’s an iPhone, iPad, or a Mac, I’ve never seen any group of people so committed to a single company. But the truth is, I never really saw a reason to belly up to the Genius Bar at an Apple store and wax poetic about Steve Jobs and the glorious dinosaur days of the 2007 iPhone release.

Truth is, I don’t care.

I’ve never had problems with my non-Apple computers, and I don’t have a problem with my Droid smartphone or my Kindle tablet. But this past February something changed for me, and I voluntarily walked towards the light and accepted my fate as an Apple customer. But it had nothing to do with the company’s technology or branding (although, admittedly, both are quite spectacular).

No, I became a fan after the FBI ordered Apple to compromise its ethical integrity by allowing the agency to bypass Apple’s security features designed to protect its customers — and CEO Tim Cook gave the FBI access to his proverbial middle finger.

A week later, I bought my first iPhone.

Fair Warning

phonelineThe one thing I always find a bit odd about Apple customers is the fact that so many of them turn product releases into full-blown events.

I remember the first time I saw a line of Apple geeks outside an Apple store three days before a handful of new iPhones hit the market. Who does that?

Even now, as an Apple customer, I would not wait in line for three days to get a phone — not even if they were giving them out for free. That being said, I do know some folks who did this very thing. And they’re about to do it again.

But this time, it’s not for a phone.

This time, they’re waiting in line for something much more exciting and much more expensive. And they can’t wait to hand over their hard-earned cash for this latest piece of technology that many believe will change the world for the better.

I’m talking about a technology that’ll make the economy stronger and the planet healthier. And on Thursday, at 10:00 a.m., you will have the opportunity to reserve access to this technology before anyone else.

But fair warning: It’s expected that thousands of tech geeks, car enthusiasts, and very excitable tree-huggers will be camping out in front of Tesla stores to ensure they’re one of the first to place their reservation for the new Tesla Model 3 — the first affordable electric car being sold by the most disruptive tech company on the planet.

This is Unprecedented

I don’t know what it was like when the first Model T rolled off the line, but the hype surrounding Tesla’s Model 3 is truly exceptional.

This vehicle, which won’t even be unveiled until Thursday night — after many folks will have already put down their deposits — has become somewhat of an event.

After all, for years plenty of folks have been salivating over Tesla’s other offerings, but only viewing them from a distance. Priced anywhere from $70,000 to more than $100,000, previous models have been out of reach for most people.

But now, at $35,000, it’s no longer just a pipe dream to own a Tesla (NASDAQ: TSLA). Although here’s the crazy thing…

The car is not even going to be ready for delivery until the end of next year. Still, thousands of future Tesla customers are eager to be among the first to own the Model 3.

Although we won’t know exactly what it looks like until Thursday, rumor has it that it’s basically just a smaller version of the Model S — the vehicle that won Motor Trend‘s Car of the Year award.


The Model 3 is a standard four-door sedan offering a 200-mile range on a single charge and most of the bells and whistles that come with the Model S.

One thing I find really fascinating about this product launch is not necessarily the vehicle itself but the enthusiasm regarding its release.

I’ve never seen anything like this before.

People are posting copies of the reservation agreement online. There are dozens of message boards where folks are discussing strategies for being the first in line.

Anyone doubting the power of Tesla today needn’t look any further than the debut of the Model 3.

There are actually a few other game-changing electric cars being debuted this year, too, but none are getting this kind of attention.

The question is, however, will the final product meet customer expectations?

Based on Tesla’s history, I have no doubt that it will. And while Tesla is already a force to take seriously, once the company starts pumping out the Model 3, it’s game over. The electric car revolution will officially be kicked into overdrive, and there will be no turning back.

So enjoy your internal combustion vehicle today. Because it won’t be much longer before these technologically inferior machines begin their march into obsolescence.

To a new way of life and a new generation of wealth…

Jeff Siegel Signature

Jeff Siegel

P.S. On the eve of deliveries for Tesla’s last vehicle release — the Model X — 27,000 reservations had been taken. And that was for a vehicle that starts at $80,000. I predict that on Thursday, there will be no less than 5,000 reservations for the Model 3, allowing Tesla to pull in $5 million before a single Model 3 is delivered. This is brilliant!

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